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Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Create a PayPal Account For Free

PayPal is one of the online payment tool is very popular today, for those of you who want to plunge into the online business is obligatory to have a paypal account, paypal account is used to receive payments from business programs that we follow like ptc, affiliate program payments outside country, and others. Paypal can also be used to purchase goods / services such as domain and lease purchase hosting.

Creating a PayPal account is very easy even for a beginner you and you do not have to have a credit card.
Check it step by step making of the following PayPal account please follow the instructions in red.

CLICK HERE to start making a new acount in PayPal and then click Sign Up Tody, like this picture taken
Create a PayPal Account For Free

If you feel confused with the 3 options below (Personal, Premier, Business) you should first try Personals
Create a PayPal Account For Free

Enter your personal data in accordance with the field provided.
Create a PayPal Account For Free

Skip this first step, just click on the "Log into My Account"
Create a PayPal Account For Free

Once you get into your account now confirm your email address.
Create a PayPal Account For Free

At this point Paypal will send an email to the address you Now open up your email inbox.
Create a PayPal Account For Free

If your email address correctly, then you will shortly receive an email like below. Note the confirmation code in the middle, please copy, then you can just press the yellow button "Connect your card"
Create a PayPal Account For Free

Enter the confirmation code that you get from email above and Confirmation

At this point you have successfully done that will confirm your email address as the username you use on PayPal.
Create a PayPal Account For Free

Congratulations you already have a PayPal account.


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Author: Mohit
I am still studying in school (Jaycees Public School). Blogging is my passion, I used to post the best amazing things on web. I always used to search the web for new things.Read More →


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