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Thursday, 26 May 2016


Download Torrent file using IDM more than 1gb

Whenever a new file is published, it published on torrent. But the downloading speed of torrent file is slow. The method which i am going to tell is also working when your School, College or Office have blocked torrent.

For Download Torrent file more than 1gb or upto 10gb than follow the below instructions


  1. First of all go to Seedr.cc Website
  2. Now create a new account on that website.
  3. After successfully activating the account, you are ready to download torrent file
  4. Just paste the torrent url or magnet link into the desired box.
  5. You will get 2.5Gb of space for downloading a single torrent file. 
  6. But you can increase that space by referring the website through your refer link.
  7. Every time someone signs up from that link , both you and them get 500MB of space , for FREE
  8. You can referrer upto 8 friends.
  9. Means if 8 friends creates an account using your link than you will have total of 6.5GB space for downloading single torrent file.
  10. And there are many other ways to increase your storage. You will find those methods under 'Get more space'.
  11. If your space is full than delete the previous files and reuse the space.
  12. The downloading speed is unlimited.
Feel free to ask in comment if you have any query.


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Author: Mohit
I am still studying in school (Jaycees Public School). Blogging is my passion, I used to post the best amazing things on web. I always used to search the web for new things.Read More →